Monday Aug 07, 2023
Decided | John 10:27
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
What is a Christian, and what does a Christian do? How do we live out our faith in everyday life? As we begin a new series called “Decided,” we’re going back to the basics of what it means to trust and follow Jesus.
Sermon Notes: http://bible.com/events/49117041Submit a Question: bit.ly/BeyondSundayQuestions
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Prophecy and Eschatology | The Beyond Sunday Podcast
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
What are Daniel's visions about? How should disciples approach the Bible’s prophetic passages? Why isn’t biblical storytelling always linear? This week, Pastor Jeff and Jordan dive into Daniel 7 to discuss prophecy, eschatology, and apologetics.
This episode of The Beyond Sunday Podcast expands upon the sermon "Hopeful | Daniel 7:1–14" in “Faith in Exile,” our 2023 sermon series through the book of Daniel.
Submit a question: bit.ly/BeyondSundayQuestions
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Hopeful | Daniel 7:1–14
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
What is the basis for our hope as Christians? We talk about how, in Christ, we have a hope that anchors our souls even in life's toughest storms, but what is that hope built upon? Through Daniel, we are going to see the reason why we who trust and follow Jesus can have hope no matter what life brings is because our God is the eternal victor!
“Faith in Exile” - This month through VBS, our kids will venture into Babylon to learn how Daniel and his friends trusted and followed God, even when doing so meant they had to stand firm against the cultural pressures surrounding them. It’s good for all of us, whether we come to VBS or not, to learn those same lessons by seeing God’s servants trust and follow Him even when the world goes the opposite way. Through the godly obedience of Daniel and his friends, we’re going to see that God’s way works out best in the end – every single time.
Sermon Notes: http://bible.com/events/49113842Submit a Question: bit.ly/BeyondSundayQuestions
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Daniel, Joseph, and Jesus | The Beyond Sunday Podcast
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Is there more to Daniel’s story than surviving a lions’ den? Is his life proof of the prosperity gospel? What’s in his name? This week, Pastor Jeff and Jordan reexamine a favorite Bible story and draw fresh inspiration from it for enduring the trials of this age.
This episode of The Beyond Sunday Podcast expands upon the sermon "Faith-Filled | Daniel 6:1–28" in “Faith in Exile,” our 2023 sermon series through the book of Daniel.
Submit a question: bit.ly/BeyondSundayQuestions
ESV Study Bible: https://www.crossway.org/bibles/category/study/
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Faith-Filled | Daniel 6:1–28
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Faith is more than a theory to be espoused or a theology to be believed; it is a life to be lived. Daniel lived his life of faith in God even when doing so was difficult in the moment, and he showed us that God’s way always works out better in the end.
“Faith in Exile” - This month through VBS, our kids will venture into Babylon to learn how Daniel and his friends trusted and followed God, even when doing so meant they had to stand firm against the cultural pressures surrounding them. It’s good for all of us, whether we come to VBS or not, to learn those same lessons by seeing God’s servants trust and follow Him even when the world goes the opposite way. Through the godly obedience of Daniel and his friends, we’re going to see that God’s way works out best in the end – every single time.
Sermon Notes: http:http: //bible.com/events/49110444Submit a Question: bit.ly/BeyondSundayQuestions
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Idol Conversation | The Beyond Sunday Podcast
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
What’s the big deal in the Bible about food offered to idols? Does God have passive judgment? How do we keep the fire going after spiritual highs? This week, Pastor Jeff and Jordan explore several practical applications from stories about Daniel.
This episode of The Beyond Sunday Podcast expands upon the sermon "Sustained | Daniel 5:1–30" in “Faith in Exile,” our 2023 sermon series through the book of Daniel.
Submit a question: bit.ly/BeyondSundayQuestions
RightNow Media signup: https://app.rightnowmedia.org/en/user/FBCBG
YouVersion Bible app: https://www.bible.com/
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Sustained | Daniel 5:1–30
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Life gets hard. We recognize more and more that this world is not our home, and we are consistently thrust into situations in which we must make a decision and take a stand – will we follow our God, or will we follow the world? We are often in difficult spots, but just as God was present with Daniel and his friends, so also is He present with His people today – and His presence changes everything.
“Faith in Exile” - This month through VBS, our kids will venture into Babylon to learn how Daniel and his friends trusted and followed God, even when doing so meant they had to stand firm against the cultural pressures surrounding them. It’s good for all of us, whether we come to VBS or not, to learn those same lessons by seeing God’s servants trust and follow Him even when the world goes the opposite way. Through the godly obedience of Daniel and his friends, we’re going to see that God’s way works out best in the end – every single time.
Sermon Notes: http://bible.com/events/49107259Submit a Question: bit.ly/BeyondSundayQuestions
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Faith in Babylon | The Beyond Sunday Podcast
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
What lessons can we learn from Daniel and his friends in Babylon? Did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego know God would save them from the fiery furnace? How do we raise children in a hostile, secular age? Pastor Jeff and Jordan return this week to explore the themes of exile, faith, and salvation in these stories from Babylon.
This episode of The Beyond Sunday Podcast expands upon the sermon "Yielded | Daniel 3:1–30" in “Faith in Exile,” our 2023 sermon series through the book of Daniel.
Submit a question: bit.ly/BeyondSundayQuestions
Francis Chan Rope Illustration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86dsfBbZfWs