Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Thomas | John 20:28
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Maybe you've always thought of the disciple Thomas with some degree of disdain, like perhaps he's maybe just one step above Judas Iscariot. Today, we're going to see that God used Thomas in some pretty important ways. Thomas decided to follow Jesus, and his life was transformed. Jesus can transform our lives, too.
What is a Christian, and what does a Christian do? How do we live out our faith in everyday life? In this new series called “Decided,” we’re going back to the basics of what it means to trust and follow Jesus.
Sermon Notes: http://bible.com/events/49137604 Submit a Question: bit.ly/BeyondSundayQuestions
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Life, Death, and Lazarus | The Beyond Sunday Podcast
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Why did Jesus let Lazarus die? What was the meaning of the anointing Mary gave Jesus? What’s the balance between learning from Jesus and serving others? Pastor Jeff and Jordan examine the stories of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus of Bethany.
This episode of The Beyond Sunday Podcast expands upon the sermon "John | Mary of Bethany | John 11:5" in “Decided,” our 2023 sermon series reexamining the basics of following Christ.
Submit a question: bit.ly/BeyondSundayQuestions
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Mary of Bethany | John 11:5
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Some people called her lazy. Others saw her in her most broken place. Still others characterized her as wasteful. But there was something really special about a young woman named Mary who lived in the little town of Bethany just a couple of miles east of Jerusalem and who decided to follow Jesus.
What is a Christian, and what does a Christian do? How do we live out our faith in everyday life? In this new series called “Decided,” we’re going back to the basics of what it means to trust and follow Jesus.
Sermon Notes: http://bible.com/events/49134087
Submit a Question: bit.ly/BeyondSundayQuestions
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Indwelling of the Holy Spirit | The Beyond Sunday Podcast
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
What was discipling under a rabbi like at the time of Jesus? Was the Holy Spirit present in the Old Testament? How can we submit to the Holy Spirit more and more? This week, Pastor Jeff and Jordan examine the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of disciples of Jesus.
This episode of The Beyond Sunday Podcast expands upon the sermon "John | Matthew 4:21–22" in “Decided,” our 2023 sermon series reexamining the basics of following Christ.
Submit a question: bit.ly/BeyondSundayQuestions
Monday Sep 04, 2023
John | Matthew 4:21–22
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
During his life, the Apostle John changed from a brash young man who wanted to call down fire from Heaven on the heathen to a loving old man whose message was consumed with Christ’s followers loving one another. What happened? How did this one who wanted to sit at Jesus’ side in His messianic glory become humbled to the point that he simply delighted in being called God’s child and seeing his spiritual children walk in truth? Join us as we see how John decided to follow Jesus, and his life was transformed - and how our lives can be transformed by Jesus, too!
What is a Christian, and what does a Christian do? How do we live out our faith in everyday life? In this new series called “Decided,” we’re going back to the basics of what it means to trust and follow Jesus.
Sermon Notes: http://bible.com/events/49130698Submit a Question: bit.ly/BeyondSundayQuestions
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
The Call to Servanthood | The Beyond Sunday Podcast
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Why did the disciples argue at the Last Supper about who is the greatest? Were their expectations about a messianic kingdom in this world wrong? How do we become servants like Jesus? This week, Pastor Jeff and Jordan dive into the tension between the glory of Christ’s second coming and the call to servanthood in this life.
This episode of The Beyond Sunday Podcast expands upon the sermon "Not So With You | Luke 22:24–27" in “Decided,” our 2023 sermon series reexamining the basics of following Christ.
Submit a question: bit.ly/BeyondSundayQuestions
Serve at First Baptist: https://firstbaptistbg.org/ministries/service-opportunities
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Not So With You | Luke 22:24–27
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
If you’ve decided to follow Jesus, your life will be different from the world. There is no such thing as a follower of Jesus who is not being transformed by the Holy Spirit into the likeness of Christ. That doesn’t mean Christ-followers are perfect, but it means that God is actively working within our lives to make us better—more like Jesus—throughout our lives.
What is a Christian, and what does a Christian do? How do we live out our faith in everyday life? In this new series called “Decided,” we’re going back to the basics of what it means to trust and follow Jesus.
Sermon Notes: http://bible.com/events/49127214 Submit a Question: bit.ly/BeyondSundayQuestions
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
What about Exorcism? | The Beyond Sunday Podcast
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
What made Mary Magdalene special? Can believers be possessed by demons? Should all disciples seek to be exorcists? Pastor Jeff and Jordan discuss spiritual warfare and encourage discipleship as the way to stand firm in the faith.
This episode of The Beyond Sunday Podcast expands upon the sermon "Mary Magdalene | Mark 16:9" in “Decided,” our 2023 sermon series reexamining the basics of following Christ.
Submit a question: bit.ly/BeyondSundayQuestions